As a professional, I have come across various phrases that people often misuse while writing. One phrase that I have seen people struggle with is “strike an agreement.” People often use “strike an agreement” instead of “reach an agreement.” However, the two phrases are not interchangeable, and using them interchangeably can lead to confusion and possibly affect the meaning of your writing.
“Strike an agreement” is a term often used in legal or business contexts where two parties come together to make an agreement. It means to come to a final decision or to come to terms regarding an issue. In most cases, it is used when there has been a negotiation, and both parties have agreed on the terms of the agreement. In a way, it is like sealing the deal.
On the other hand, “reach an agreement” implies the process of getting to an agreement, rather than the final outcome. It refers to the act of discussing, negotiating, and finalizing the terms of the agreement.
When writing a business or legal document where an agreement has been made, it is essential to use the correct phrase to avoid confusion. Using “strike an agreement” instead of “reach an agreement” can suggest that an agreement was made suddenly and swiftly, without proper negotiation or discussion.
Here are some examples of how to use “strike an agreement” and “reach an agreement” properly:
Example 1: After weeks of negotiation, the two parties finally ____________ on the terms of the deal.
Correct answer: Reached an agreement
Explanation: The process of negotiation took weeks, implying that the parties did not reach an agreement quickly.
Example 2: The two companies ____________ to share resources and facilities.
Correct answer: Struck an agreement
Explanation: The two parties came to a final decision and sealed the deal.
In conclusion, it is crucial to use the right phrase to convey the correct meaning in your writing. As a professional, I strongly advise writers to choose their words wisely and ensure they are using the best phrase for their intended meaning. While “strike an agreement” and “reach an agreement” may seem interchangeable, understanding their different meanings is essential to using them effectively in your writing.